December 22 and 23
by guest blogger Helen Stillman
I arrived in Mazatlán on Thursday (my mother’s birthday) and
immediately requested guest blogger status, so I guess that means my mom is
blog famous.
In lieu of Christmas carols and cold cuts, it became quickly
apparent that my mother intended to take advantage of her Mexico birthday by
creating an elaborate and unique plan of celebration for su compleaños de año
She was practically giddy as I entered the boat and headed
towards the fore cabin, my designated sleeping quarters. Waiting for me there
was an enormous, wide-eyed, yellow piñata. My mother proudly informed me that
its name was Seattle Rein!
As a women’s basketball fan, I heard this as Seattle Reign (Seattle’s women’s bball
team). I laughed, confused about my mother’s sudden enthusiasm for women’s
athletics. However, I was quickly informed that this was instead a joke on reindeer. Mazatlán, incidentally, means
“Land of the Deer”, so it seemed fitting all around.
We were in good spirits and excited to share birthday
celebrations with Margaret’s family. Unfortunately, the big celebration had to
be postponed until Friday because of flight troubles on the way down from
Vermont. Peter, Kate, and Forrest were in Mazatlán, while Margaret and Gardy
were stuck in Houston. No matter—we had the available relatives over for a
feast of grilled shrimp. (The shrimp came from the guy who drives the marina
water taxi. Muy sabroso!)
I have to insert here that I have discovered that my
parents’ individual strategies regarding use of the Spanish language very much
mirror their strategies as human beings. My mother has worked hard to know everything
and to be competent, and plows
through conversations in Spanish with vendors, children, security guards, and
taxi drivers, insistent on getting her point across. My father, in contrast,
has mastered two charming phrases that he repeats with gusto. Phrase 1: MUY
SABROSO!! Phrase 2: La cuenta, por favor. (He insists that he knows more—and
adds “Besides, I have my telephone app to look up any word rather
On Friday morning, my mother and I headed to the downtown
city market. I prodded my mother to purchase every kind of exotic fruit we saw—particularly
guavas. We also found a small candy stand, where we procured items for the
piñata. I was excited about “pulparindo”, a spicy tamarind fruit leather-like
I was delighted to see the hotel guys jumping in to to grab
dulces along with the rest of us when the candy started raining down. Afterward, Kate and I took turns throwing candy up to
the guy who had been holding the rope from the roof.

After a surprisingly delicious hotel dinner, we headed back
to the boat. Margaret and Gardy had written my mom new verses to When I’m 64 during their Houston detour,
which they sang. My mother was prepared with printed copies of the original
version, which she passed around for all to sing.
When you get older
Sailing with ease
You’ll be having fun
You’ll invite your family
To play with you
And your Charlie
In the Mexican sun
And your Charlie
In the Mexican sun
Eating some tacos
With guacamole
Having more and more
You’ll be cruising
Winning and losing
Now you’re 64
We will have a merry merry Christmas
In the warmer climes
With our captain Susie
Which spot will she chooooooose?
We followed this with key lime pie, cocinado por mí.
Happy belated birthday Co-Captain Susie!