Saturday, September 24
We picked up my niece Kelly, the filmmaker and circus performer, and sailed over to Sausalito where we were looking forward to seeing La Loupiote, a French couple who do acrobatic circus shows on their boat and in the rigging. We arrived at KKMI boatyard just in time to get a waterfront seat across from their bright yellow sailboat.
The first show was slapstick with the wife playing a dim witted ship’s boy. The show started with a chase, the skipper hiding in the audience. They were wonderful, artistic, funny, original and clever in using the boat. Donations from their free shows finance their cruising life.
They hoist various things during the show, the spinnaker pole, for example, in a slapstick routine that has them running back and forth working against each other with first the mast end going up, then down, etc while the bow end does the opposite. You can see a film on their website ( of a cool mirror walk they do on the pole. She on top, he walking on his hands below and their feet meeting at the pole. They also hoisted a roll of tissu, that stretchy fabric, that they climb, hang from and so on.
An unseasonable rain fell Sunday morning, canceling the acrobats' show so we went to the farmers market instead and took advantage of cut prices in the last 15 minutes. It was fun to have Kelly and her friend Bill as crew to sail over and back to Sausalito, using the consistent wind in the Bay.
As you can see, Gratitude has evolved into quite the boat about the Bay. Note the bikes, BBQ, drink holders. We'll be stowing those when we leave on Sunday.
Monday, September 25
Another lovely day, especially for Hank, the Richardsons’ dog. We went to Point Isabel where there’s a huge dog park for a walk with Hank and to look at the birds. It’s always fun to visit parts of the East Bay trail to see the shoreline restoration and watch the dogs play.

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