Friday, August 2, 2013

Viner Sound Gathering

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Approaching Viner Sound
I finished a letter I was writing just in time for the seaplane to whisk it away. It’ll probably take ages to arrive, but I enjoyed the feeling of making the once-a-week pickup. Another dead calm day, perfect for our shortest move of the cruise, 4 ½ miles to Viner Sound. Someone had put out 4 buoys there. Colene and I set the, so far unlucky, crab trap next to a slew of commercial crabber pots that seemed untended based on the amount of weed on their lines.

Jarana and Shatzi across the end of 
Viner Sound from us

We were napping when a loud knocking on the hull awakened us. Lo and behold, it was Bill and Kathi Cuffel in their dinghy. Their boat Jarana now occupied a nearby buoy. The water in our tiny cove was a bit scummy and the sun hot, but their location had a gentle breeze. After a little visiting we were on our way for the first swim of the trip, a wonderful couple of laps around Jarana. Later, Later our friends the Werners aboard Shatzi joined the fleet. We all mobbed the Jarana dinner club for BBQ lamb. Lovely.

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